Poverty pictures was born in 2004. The name Poverty pictures was quite an ironic name for that time because poverty pictures was from the city of Pomona and ironically many other cities from that area look down at Pomona judging the city as “poverty stricken.”

Poverty pictures takes pride in its roots and background as does the city of Pomona. In 2004 the first film was completed entitled Autry O’Day “The True American Living King of Rock.” Then in 2006 came the second film “Best 16 Bands of the IE,” featuring a song from 16 different bands of the Inland Empire.

In 2007 film number three “Finding Halle,” a story about Halle Berry.

2008 film four “Best 25 Videos of the IE” (Inland Empire).

2010 film number 5 “True Christian Miracles”

Poverty pictures takes pride and represents the Inland Empire,an area 40 miles wide, east of Hollywood.

As of this moment, poverty pictures has completed but not yet released “Being White in 2009” (film six) and “I was engaged to Julia Roberts and No One Believes Me,” film seven. POVERTY PICTURES

Poverty pictures was born in 2004. The name Poverty pictures was quite an ironic name for that time because poverty pictures was from the city of Pomona and ironically many other cities from that area look down at Pomona judging the city as “poverty stricken.”

Poverty pictures takes pride in its roots and background as does the city of Pomona. In 2004 the first film was completed entitled Autry O’Day “The True American Living King of Rock.” Then in 2006 came the second film “Best 16 Bands of the IE,” featuring a song from 16 different bands of the Inland Empire.

In 2007 film number three “Finding Halle,” a story about Halle Berry.

2008 film four “Best 25 Videos of the IE” (Inland Empire).

2010 film number 5 “True Christian Miracles”

Poverty pictures takes pride and represents the Inland Empire,an area 40 miles wide, east of Hollywood.

As of this moment, poverty pictures has completed but not yet released “Being White in 2009” (film six) and “I was engaged to Julia Roberts and No One Believes Me,” film seven.